That Work
We have long been at war with cluttered, hard to read, and downright ugly signs since we opened the doors of Diaz Sign Art more than forty years ago. What good is a sign if it cannot be read from a few feet away? What good is a sign if it’s dull and boring and fails to capture people’s attention? Using color theory, effective contrast, and the best design practices, we create signs and murals that work.

High Quality
A sign is one of the most cost-effective forms of advertisement. The longer your sign lasts the more value you get out of it. At Diaz Sign Art we use only the best and highest quality materials available. We constantly research the latest and greatest sign making products and educate ourselves in the best building practices, all in an effort to make our signs outlast signs made by others. No one likes a cheap sign that appears to be falling apart, especially your customers. Purchasing high quality signs from Diaz Sign Art is one of the best investments you can make.

Architectural Signs
Window Lettering
Post & Panel Signs
Digitally Printed Graphics
Hanging Signs
Antique Signs
Wall Signs
Hand Painted Murals
Real Estate Signs